Cursos para agentes municipales de tránsito

En la mañana de hoy se iniciaron los cursos obligatorios de capacitación y actualización para los Inspectores de Tránsito, según normas de la Agencia Nacional de Seguridad Vial dictados por el área de Educación Vial de la Municipalidad local.
Los temas desarrollados en la oportunidad fueron Educación Vial y Normas Vigentes en la materia, mientras que la próxima semana los asuntos a tratar serán “Alcoholímetros y Decibelímetros”.
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    Pretreat powder- and liquid-foundation spills with a clarifying product like shaving cream or shampoo. Both of these toiletries have cleaning agents that should break through the stain before you wash. If the stain still won’t lift, mix in a little bit of rubbing alcohol. Just like any other common stains, it’s easiest to remove makeup from clothes quickly after the stain happens. These hacks are meant for drier stains or small amounts of residue– not wet spills. Of course, treating heavy duty stains with pre-wash stain remover and running them through the laundry is always best… it just doesn’t always align with our plans. Quickly scrape away the top layer of the product from your fabric with a spoon, or preferably, a plastic knife. Take an ice cube, press it onto the stain, and rub it in a circular motion. Keep going until the makeup has been completely lifted from the fabric. Finally, blot and dry the wet area with a paper towel, removing most of the makeup. Repeat the process until the stain is no longer visible.

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